Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cooper - 1 Month

That's How I Roll......

Cooper and Miss Kinsey.........

Coop sporting his Polo shirt
Just wanted to update a few photos, since Cooper is now one month old.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Cooper Jackson Hall was born on April 22nd, 2010 at 7:40pm, during the eleventh pick of the 1st round NFL draft. This could be a sign.... Well if his uncle Eric has anything to do with it he'll be throwing footballs before he can walk. Cooper was 7lbs 9oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. Since then Cooper has gained some weight and grew a little longer, he had a doctors appointment yesterday and weighed 8lbs 4oz and was 21 inches long. Maverick and his little brother Cooper have already bonded over a few tongue baths and I know Mav can not wait until Cooper can follow him around the house. Erin and I just want to say thanks to all our friends and family for all you love and support throughout the past 9 months.
And of course Erin has been keeping Cooper in style just check out those sweet Pumas.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My beautiful flowers for our 2nd anniversary

We had a HUGE snow fall and FINALLY got to build a snowman! Make that a one armed snowman!! Mav was a huge help!

Love this pic that Kyle took:)

Cooper's first snowman:) He stayed nice and warm while we did all the hard work!

Kyle's cousin Kim took these belly pics at my baby shower she threw for me in Texarkana!

Well its almost that time! I am hoping after Cooper gets here to update a little more often and and keep up better with this whole "blog thing". We are in week 37 and I am still working full time...12 HOUR shifts!! Yikes! I hate to admit it but its getting really hard. My feet are little (or big) sausages by the time I get home and I feel like it takes me FOREVER to recover from one day of work. BUT...I am only on the schedule for two more weeks. I CAN DO IT!!!

Kyle is also very busy. He is studying for his PE exam and he will take a week from tomorrow. I feel sorry for him...He is at work all day and comes home to study for hours at night. YUCK! We are all ready for him to have this test over with so he can relax a little:) He will do AWESOME, no doubt in my mind!

Maverick is not busy:) In fact he would LOVE to have a few more activities on his schedule! He is acting out a bit...Chewing up the remote control when we went out to my parents house one night! Sleeping on the furniture, chewing up a pillow on our patio furniture, ect... Poor guy needs some attention and a LONG walk! Hope he is okay when Cooper arrives. It will be interesting thats for sure:)

All in all we are all doing great just ready for this little guy to be here and for things at work to slow down a bit!