Wednesday, November 11, 2009

And there it is!!!


Well, I will be honest, no one told me that literally in one week you can go from "not showing" to looking at least 4 wks further along than you really are! I promised I would post about the pregnancy and all things pregnancy so be kind when viewing the first pic of baby Hall! Kyle just got back from his Mule Deer hunt in New Mexico after being gone for 5 days and got a BIG surprise. The "BIG" being my belly! Large beer gut aside, I am feeling great! A little tired but nothing too bad which I am so grateful for. We are so ready to find out whether we can expect a boy or a girl. If the appointment was more than 2 wks away I don't think I could stand it!

Kyle had a great time on his trip and I will post some pics as soon as we get them downloaded:)

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