Thursday, December 3, 2009

I told you I wasn't good at this!!!

For all of you who doubted me and thought I would actually keep updating this blog...I TOLD U!! I knew I would be terrible at this but I figured maybe some of you would have a little faith in me and keep checking back in every once in a while! See how excited you are now that I have a new post up! It wouldn't be near as interesting if I posted everyday...I PROMISE!

Lots has been happening in the Hall household. As many of you already know we found out that we are expecting a baby BOY in April. We were very suprised, due to the fact that I had convinced everyone (especially Kyle) that it would be a girl. Not that I wanted one over the other I just had the gut feeling and was absolutely sure of it! Imagine my suprise when that little one spead those legs so nicely for all to see! I am no longer in shock and have "boy" on the brain...bedding, clothes, shoes, ect. I know Kyle was so excited. Even though he told me he didn't care either way, I know he wanted a little boy. I would guess most men do! I am doing this blog at work cause that seems to be the only time I have to sit down and write so pics will follow! Hopefully not a week or two later!!

As far as Kyle and I go life is crazy busy as usual. Kyle just got back from a hunting trip with my grandpa and Taylor. They went to Brady, TX and went deer hunting. Short trip, but had a blast. I'm sure you all got the pics on email. I swear he sends those out before he even gets back in town! Maybe I should put him in charge of the pics on the blog. He would definitely get the job done! I haven't been out of town much but I am making up for it this weekend. Denise is taking me , Kari and Blair to New York City!!! Girls trip for no reason other than to spend some quality time together. Cant beat that!!! Of course I am leaving the ONLY weekend that duck hunting is closed. We could actually get some stuff around the house done...wishful thinking!

Pics will be coming soon! I PROMISE:) Hope everyone is well!

1 comment:

  1. so glad to see you posting. saw on facebook, is cooper jack a for sure thing? post more belly pics. i need to come stay with you for a little mini vacay after the first of the year. maybe we could do january market together!
